
A warm welcome from productivemomof3. JazakaAllah khair for visiting my blog. I would like to share how I started feeling connected with Quran since I started my jounrney with Quran Journaling and how it keep me connected with Allah’s book. Alhamdulillha being a mom of 3 , At the end of each day of successfully managing a household work, I pat myself on the back. Let me go through the major, necessary everyday tasks I perform religiously:

  • 5 times prayers
  • Cooking
  • Excercise
  • Household chores
  • Quran Teaching
  • Reciting Qur’an errr…

Ah! I admit, this is where I have been struggling. Looking around, I see others muslimahs who even work harder than me but still manage to consistently recite Qur’an on daily basis. This reminds me of famous Ahadith,

“And the most beloved of good deeds to Allah are those deeds that are done with consistency, even if it is little.”

Reference Link

Yes! yes! I know that taking out time for Qur’an recitation is quite a struggle for us. So, Here are my few suggestions I would like to share which helped me tremendously in reflecting on Qur’anic Ayah.

After Prayers:
Since obligatory prayers cannot be missed or delayed, you may set time for Qur’an recitation after them. Choose any two prayers, say Fajr & Isha salah, and recite an Ayah from Qur’an. It will not take more than five minutes to reflect and write your thoughts and the rewards are huge insha Allah. Try never to skip it. You will gradually develop the habit.
As we will be in wudu and just adding extra 5 mins to our prayer routine, sounds reasonable. no?

After work Rituals:
For working Ladies who manages both house chores and office work each day, try taking out few minutes before sleeping to read the Qur’anic Ayah and write down your thoughts. If not, its okay!! atleast do it on weekends.
It is indeed a great way to remember Allah after the long day. We never know if we will wake up the next day, so let us have the Qur’anic Ayah be our last words.

During Commute:
Here is the solution for one’s who commute on daily basis, say who takes a bus to school or for work. Just download a Qur’an application to your phone or carry a pocket size Qur’an and avails the time by reciting Qur’an on the way! And simply write your reflection on Ayah, That’s how you make the best use of technology, & time. isn’t it?

Digital Qur’an:
In this technology era which takes every aspect of our lives, why should not take the full advantage of it for religion purpose as well.
As there are number of applications on smartphones to help us connect with the Holy Book. Many of these applications have complete Qur’an in Arabic, with such features as translations in almost every language, detailed Tafseer lessons to help us have a deeper understanding, audio recitations, and a lot more.
Note: “Listening to Qur’an also helps us to develop an affinity towards the Holy words and also its improves Tajweed as well”

Being a housewife I believe that motivation plays an essential role. “It is natural that, now and again, we all need motivation. I have a best friend(Nida) and we use WhatsApp where we share our daily routines and achievements to motivate each other.” If you cannot find anyone in your circle, there are many support groups online (instagram and facebook) where Muslimahs help each other to connect with the Qur’an.

Narrated Abu Musa: Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said, “The example of a good companion (who sits with you) in comparison with a bad one, is like that of the musk seller and the blacksmith’s bellows (or furnace); from the first you would either buy musk or enjoy its good smell while the bellows would either burn your clothes or your house, or you get a bad nasty smell thereof.”

Reference : Sahih al-Bukhari 2101
In-book reference : Book 34, Hadith 54
USC-MSA web (English) reference : Vol. 3, Book 34, Hadith 314

Do you have any other tips which might help us all in our Qur’an journey? Please leave a comment

Juz 3

Juz 3 Journaling Reflection focus points Juz 3 – Action Points Ayatul kursi is the greatest verse in the Quran and holds so many benefits. It describes Allah SWT…

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