Assalamualiakum, My name is Nazneen Azhar and I’m so excited to have you here! In ramadan 2020 I started posting my Quran study notes on Instagram. I wanted a place to post my thoughts so I could easily go back and look at what Allah taught me as I studied my Quran. A little over a 6 month later, Alhamdulillah Productivemomof3 grew beyond anything I could imagine!
As my Instagram page got attention and inspired many followers, I found myself wanting to talk about topics in more depth than an Instagram caption would allow. As a result, this website existence come into picture :). Here, you’ll be able to find posts about what I’m learning daily with the words of Allah , posts about my life, and some tips for Quran study and Quran journaling. You’ll also find links to all of the resources I use and love, freebies I’ve made for you..
My mission is simple: To share Qur’an journaling, encourage others to study the word of Allah through my own Studies, Videos, Templates, and Art.
Thank you for visiting and being a part of the Productivemomof3 community! May Allah make this a source of learning His words in depth and reflect upon it. Ameen.

“I’m Nazneen (a productive mom of 3) is an Business Administrator Master by Academic background alongside having worked as a Quran Teacher who loves Arabic Calligraphy, Quran Journaling, Planting, Recipe developer, Crafts for kids.”
When did you start Quran journaling and what sparked your interest initially?
I started Quran Journaling sometime in 2016 At the time I was studying Aalima via an online course.
Alhamdulillahi ala kulli haa’l , without Allah SWT’s blessings and Guidance, my Quran Journal wouldn’t have been much at all.It has undeniably increased my understanding of the Ayath that I have studied, especially when I’m reflecting in relation to my normal daily life ,I started sharing my Quran journaling pages on my Instagram account in Ramadan (1441)April 2020.My intention has always been to encourage others to study about the Quran,Unintentionally, I have gained friends online via my posts. Quran Journaling community has given me self confidence that I didn’t know I had before.
I do not spend more than 1 hour on an entry, that includes all the art journaling part and reflections part of it.
10 day activity Acrylic Paints Calligraphy Al-Aleem Al-Fatiha all about hajj Allah is the greatest Allah name Allahu akbar Arabic Calligraphy Asma-ul-husna A to Z Hajj ayatul kursi ayatul kursi reflection Calligraphy Dhul Hijjah Dua Duas Haj 10 day countdown haj activity haj info Hajj haj journal hajj planner hijjah Holy Quran juz 2 juz 3 juz 3 reflection Kids Haj activity Name of Allah nasrun-minallahi-wa-fathun-qareeb Quran Quran journal Reflection from juz 2 reflection from juz 3 Reflection points of juz 2 reflection points of juz 3 reflection surah al imran beginning Reflection Surah Baqarah Summary of Surah Baqarah surah al imran surah imran reflection the knower of all the omniscient what is haj